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Mt. Franklin Mount Franklin Spring Water Multipack Bottles 12 x 500mL

was $14.99 $7.99 each $0.22 per litre


Pure Australian Still Spring Bottled Water of exceptional quality and purity as nature intended. Australia's favourite and most trusted water brand. A must have drink for stocking the fridge for drinking at home and on the go.


Australian Spring Water

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool place

Nutrition Information

Servings Per Packet 12
Serving Size 500ml

Per Serving* Per 100g or 100mL*
Energy Value not available Value not available
Protein Value not available Value not available
Fat, Total Value not available Value not available
Carbohydrate Value not available Value not available
Dietary Fibre Value not available Value not available
Sodium Value not available Value not available

*All values are considered to be average